Redecorating Your Kids Room - Create Space and Get Organized

The kids' room is one of the hardest areas in the home to keep organized, but the most fun to decorate. It is usually a high traffic area and a place your child will spend a lot of their time. As our kids get older they acquire more "stuff", their needs change or they just get tired of their current room decor. Loft beds can quickly and easily satisfy these types of problems.

Childrens Storage Beds

The loft bed comes in various shapes, designs and sizes to fit your child's needs. This article will cover the basic types of loft beds on the market today.

Childrens Storage Beds


The traditional loft bed has an area underneath with a ladder where the child climbs into an elevated bed. These are among the most popular, especially among older children. The area underneath can contain almost anything you can imagine. Among the most popular are desks, play areas and storage areas. The size of the bed can range from twin to queen size and is only limited by your budget.

Low Beds 

While the low beds is suitable for children of all ages, this type of bed is usually selected for one of two reasons.

1.       Child Safety - Many parents don't like the idea of their child sleeping on an elevated bed in fear they could fall out during the night. The low beds also are known for their themes. They are available in themes from cars to princess castles.  

2.       Bed Size - If your budget doesn't allow for high quality material, the loft beds with a queen size bed do not appear as sturdy when the bed is elevated.  

The low loft beds have the bed resting on the ground and typically surrounded by storage space on both sides and above.

Conversion Kits

The conversion kits are very popular because they allow you to turn an existing bed into a loft bed. These kits are very easy to install and come with instructions that a novice can follow. This is the least expensive way to have a loft bed. If you are on a tight budget, definitely research the loft bed conversion kits.

In summation, you can find a loft bed that fits your kids room with a little research. Several manufacturers sell the same models, but all vary in price. Be sure and do your research to find the most affordable bed and give your child their special place.

Redecorating Your Kids Room - Create Space and Get Organized
Childrens Storage Beds

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